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Got Rhythm?

Writer's picture: JensuyaJensuya

Updated: Jan 6, 2022

"I can't learn to belly dance, 'cause I ain't got no rhythm."
Belly dancer Jensuya with facial expression of exasperation.
Too many of us think we can't learn to belly dance because we "don't have any rhythm."

Do We Have to be Born with Rhythm to Learn Belly Dance?

The worst feeling is when we feel powerless.  When we feel that we can't do something because of the way we are, the way we were born.  Like not being able to be a ballerina because we have "no turnout" or not being able to be a basketball player or a model because we're too short.

And then there's the talent issue—"I can't sing because I have no talent." And I can't dance because I have no rhythm.

I'm not talking about the excuses we sometimes give because we really don't want to do something;  I'm talking about actually believing that we have to be born a certain way (with rhythm, say) or in a certain place (in Africa, say) to be able to do something (like dance, say).

Belly dancer Jensuya and others learning African dance in a park.
Learning African dance with One World Tribe band before their concert in Berkeley Springs, WV.

Society Sometimes Brainwashes Us

I'm a mover, and I have always loved to dance and have been drawn to any style of dancing. And from an early age, I sensed this pervading message that you if you were lucky enough to be born black, you for sure, had rhythm.  And if you weren't, well, good luck, because you'd always look like a "white girl" dancing.

But as I grow closer to 6 decades on this planet, I will say:  THAT IS HOGWASH.  (No offence intended to piglets.)  Yes, we are born with certain unchangeable features like height, but even that does not have to preclude us from doing something because society has simply become accustomed to seeing things look a certain way and done a certain way.

The fact of the matter is, that when groups of people do a thing a lot, we tend to get good at it.  And when that is multiplied by generations and huge regions of people, we get really good at it.  And because the history goes back so many generations and includes such a large group of people and the thing becomes so good, we lose sight of the fact that each person learned to do this thing—and maybe, and often, began the learning in utero.  So it seems that he or she was born with it.  When, in fact, he or she has simply been inundated with it, and has picked it up, at least some rudiments of it, by osmosis.

But it doesn't mean that someone much older than an infant cannot learn and become really good at the thing...yes, including rhythm.

Jensuya Belly Dance students and live drummer in class at dance studio.
Belly dance students from 20-something to 70-something! (That's my mom, Kristina, on the left.)

Rhythm is a Skill, and You Can Learn It

Having rhythm means understanding what it is and how it relates to beat and tempo and melody and actually learning skills and practicing these skills.  And it's doable.  It's just that methods of teaching these skills in most classes is nowhere near as developed as, say, teaching arithmetic or grammar. (Except for our Introduction to Belly Dance online course—of course! 😉 We teach rhythm organically right along with belly dance.)

Young boy and mother doing a Middle Eastern drumming lesson in living room
Whether we begin learning rhythm young or begin when we are old, we CAN learn the skill. (That's me, Jensuya, teaching Drummer Bob's and my son, Lhasa.)

Because you are black doesn't mean you automatically have rhythm, and because you are white doesn't mean you automatically don't.  And being Lebanese or Egyptian or Turkish doesn't automatically mean you can belly dance.  If you want to learn to belly dance, you must practice skills—the skills of movement and the skills of music, which includes rhythm.  And it may take a loooong time to "get" some of these skills.  And it may take a long time to "get" a lot of these skills!  The trick is to savor the process as you learn.  Study and practice in small doses and give yourself permission to look awkward as you learn...because you will look awkward.  And that's good!  It means you are learning.

Belly dancer body and darbuka player illustrating rhythm practice online course
Click on the image to see our ONLINE COURSE that makes it easy and fun to practice!

I have so much more to say about learning rhythm. Be sure to check out our blog, "Who's Got the Beat?" and these videos in our Music Skills Playlist on our YouTube channel.

In our online course, we teach you beat and rhythm organically as we teach you belly dance. Click on the image to go to the course and see a PREVIEW.

Jensuya and Bob showing their Introduction to Belly Dance online course.
Click on the image to go to the course and see a PREVIEW VIDEO.

© Jennifer Carpenter-Peak & Robert Peak, 2020


Jul 19, 2020

Thank you, Dad!


wayne carpenter
Jul 19, 2020

Great video and introduction. I was taken by surprise by Dakota’s skills on the Oud. I was very entertained and still learned more about the art.

Am typing on phone And I need to study my Spanish. Will discuss later.

Congratulations to you both on a wonderful video.

Jensuya School

Learn and enrich your life with belly dance no matter who you are, where you live, or what your background is.


Courses & Classes

Free Mini Course

How to get started learning belly dance.

Introduction to Belly Dance

Learn to belly dance course for the absolute beginner.

Range of Motion Level 1 Classes

Level 1 Drills

Range of Motion Level 2 Classes

Level 2 Drills

Range of Motion Level 3 Classes

Level 3 Drills

Rhythm Practice for Belly Dance - Beledi

© Jennifer Carpenter-Peak and Robert Peak, 2024. All rights reserved.
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